A memorable Coca-Cola ad from the 2008 Olympics. Breathe Me by Sia has an amazing energy as the piano rolls through the Coke commercial.
Find out more about Sia at siamusic.net. Originally from Adelaide (Australia) she has crafted some pretty fantastic tracks over the past few years.
[youtube yZVj_niY7R0]
Hi just being on this site called Amuso.com and there is a contest
The contest is to find out what are people’s favourite songs. All you have do is enter your entry and get people to vote for your song. Thought it might be an something you might be interested in for a post.
Here’s the
link: http://www.amuso.com/gameshows/music/My-favourite-song?ref=i/GS
Keep up the awesome work on the blog.
Greg Salter